Our speakers represent the biggest thinking on the future of healthcare

Our speakers are number one bestselling authors, and deep subject matter experts in the areas of disruptive innovation, future trends, in healthcare, emerging technologies, and new clinical and economic models. The disruption expo only selects the very best speakers with the most relevant research to our valued audience.

Our Keynote Speakers

The Chaotic Future of Healthcare

The good news.

Nicholas Webb

Opening Keynote Speaker

In Nick Webb’s keynote presentation, he provides crucial insights into the five major trends that will shape the future of the entire healthcare ecosystem. Drawing on fresh research from his bestselling book on managing chaotic change, Nick reveals what the world’s leading organizations are doing to drive innovation, enhance employee happiness, delight patients, control costs, and achieve strategic excellence. This short but impactful keynote will leave you with actionable takeaways that can transform your approach to healthcare management.

Five Important Takeaways

Emerging Healthcare Trends
Understand the five major trends poised to revolutionize the healthcare industry.

Innovation Strategies
Learn how top organizations drive innovation to stay ahead in a competitive market.

Employee Happiness
Discover effective methods to boost employee satisfaction and engagement.

Patient Delight
Gain insights into creating exceptional patient experiences that lead to higher satisfaction.

Cost Control and Excellence
Learn strategies for controlling costs while achieving strategic excellence in your organization.

About Nick.

As a busy Management Consultant and the CEO of LeaderLogic, LLC, Nick has the amazing privilege of serving some of the world’s best brands and helping them thrive in a time of Chaotic Change. Nick is a multiple number-one bestselling author; his latest book, “Chaotic Change,” is a playbook for Leaders looking to thrive in a time of hyper-complexity, emerging technologies, and a changing world.

Historically, Nick has served as a Chief Innovation Officer and an Adjunct Professor for one of the top medical schools, where he was also awarded his Doctorate of Humane Letters (Hon) for his contributions in healthcare.

As an award-winning innovator, Nick has invented technologies ranging from one of the world’s smallest medical implants to one of the first wearable technologies. With over 40 patents to his name, Nick has created a wide range of technologies across consumer and industrial products. Nick also operates an Innovation lab that is investigating new applications for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies.

Nick is also an award-winning documentary filmmaker. As one of the top keynote speakers, he
travels the world sharing his latest research on what the best organizations in the world are
doing to thrive in a time of Chaotic Change. Nick is also the CEO of webblogic® a manufacturer and distributor of medical technologies.

How to Benefit from Disruption.

Terence Mauri

Conference Keynote Speaker

In Terence’s powerful presentation specific to healthcare, he shares his first-hand experience growing $100m+ businesses during rapidly changing times. As a former director at one of the world’s largest advertising agencies, where he advised iconic companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Novartis, Terence understands the profound impact of change. He emphasizes that while change used to be gradual, it now feels like a category-five typhoon, and leaders must seize the opportunity presented by disruption. According to Terence, the future isn’t just about technology and trends, but also about mindsets and choices. His call to action is clear: “We always overestimate the risk of trying something new and underestimate the risk of standing still. When volatility is high, not taking a risk is a risk.”

Terence’s keynotes are described as “the equivalent of a double espresso for leaders” by Unilever and “the most wisdom per keynote” by Nike. He advocates for leveraging the biggest reframing moments of our lifetimes and adapting as the world evolves.

Five Important Takeaways

Strategic Courage in Disruption
Learn how to turn disruption into a strategic advantage and embrace change with courage.

Leadership at the Speed of AI
Understand the importance of co-intelligence and leading effectively in the age of artificial intelligence.

Risk Management
Realize that not taking a risk is a risk itself, especially in times of high volatility.

Future-Oriented Leadership
Dare to evolve and lead from a future-focused perspective to stay ahead.

Unlearning for Growth
Discover why great leaders not only learn but also unlearn to thrive in the Intelligence Age.

About Terence.

Terence Mauri is the founder of Future Insights think tank Hack Future Lab, a best-selling author, and one of the world’s most requested headliner keynote speakers who inspire leaders to sharpen their future readiness muscle. Terence holds an Entrepreneur Mentor in Residence at MIT and is a visiting Professor at IE Business School. He is an MIT Global Insights partner with over 20 years of track record of battle-tested ideas to turn disruption into a tailwind for laser-like focus, strategic courage, and value creation. Firms, including Google, Gilead Sciences, Pfizer, and Assurant, partner with Terence as their go-to thinker to ignite new thinking for the Intelligence Age.

His book, The Upside of Disruption: The Path to Leading and Thriving in The Unknown, has been described as “Breakthrough thinking to unlock huge potential” by Chris Barton, the founder of Shazam.

The Impact of AI

and Emerging Technologies in Healthcare.

Tom Lawry

Conference Keynote Speaker

Tom Lawry offers exceptional insights into the true impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies in healthcare. Going beyond the hype, Tom provides a clear narration of the future trajectory of AI and its influence across all areas of the healthcare ecosystem. He delves into the impact of AI on key healthcare disciplines, the anticipatory patient, and the anticipatory healthcare enterprise. Tom’s presentation includes actionable insights on how AI will shape clinical diagnosis, treatment planning, and drive major operational efficiencies in healthcare organizations over the next five years.

Five Important Takeaways

Future of AI in Healthcare
Understand the realistic trajectory of artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies in the healthcare sector.

Impact on Clinical Diagnosis
Learn how AI will revolutionize clinical diagnosis, enhancing accuracy and efficiency.

Advancements in Treatment Planning
Discover the significant role AI will play in treatment planning and improving patient outcomes.

Operational Efficiencies
Gain insights into how AI will drive major operational efficiencies across all healthcare organizations.

Anticipatory Healthcare
Explore the concept of the anticipatory patient and healthcare enterprise, and how AI will transform their future.


About Tom.

Tom Lawry is a leading AI transformation advisor to health and medical leaders around the world, a top keynote speaker, and the best-selling author of Hacking Healthcare – How AI and the Intelligent Health Revolution Will Reboot an Ailing System. He’s the Managing Director of Second Century Tech and a former Microsoft exec who served as National Director for AI for Health and Life Sciences, Director of Worldwide Health, and Director of Organizational Performance for the company’s first health incubator. Prior to Microsoft, Tom was a Senior Director at GE Healthcare, the founder of two venture-backed healthcare software companies, a health system executive, and board member.

Tom’s work and views have been featured in Forbes, CEO Magazine, Harvard Business Review, CNET, Inside Precision Medicine, and numerous webcasts and podcasts.

In a Harris Poll of 2023 JP Morgan Healthcare Conference attendees, Tom was named one of the most recognized leaders driving change and engagement in healthcare today. He has also been named one of the Top 20 AI Voices to Watch.

Future Trends in Clinical Care Delivery.

Matti Palo, MD

Conference Keynote Speaker

In this powerful keynote presentation, Dr. Palo will provide compelling case examples of how patient consumerism is transforming the delivery of patient care. He will share direct examples of how leading organizations in clinical care are designing patient experiences, leveraging patient experience design, and implementing patient personification. Additionally, Dr. Palo will discuss emerging trends in healthcare software development and medical product design. This presentation will offer valuable insights into new clinical care models, the impact of care decentralization, emerging prevention and wellness models, the future impact of ortho bistro technology on orthopedic care, and how emerging technologies are enhancing the quality of patient care.

Five Important Takeaways

New Clinical Care Models
Understand innovative clinical care models driven by patient consumerism.

Impact of Care Decentralization
Learn about the effects of care decentralization on patient outcomes and healthcare delivery.

Prevention and Wellness Models
Discover emerging trends in prevention and wellness that are shaping the future of healthcare.

Ortho Bistro Technology
Gain insights into the future impact of ortho bistro technology on orthopedic care.

Enhancing Patient Care Quality
Explore how emerging technologies are improving the quality of patient care.


About Matti.

Tom Lawry is a leading AI transformation advisor to health and medical leaders around the world, a top keynote speaker, and the best-selling author of Hacking Healthcare – How AI and the Intelligent Health Revolution Will Reboot an Ailing System. He’s the Managing Director of Second Century Tech and a former Microsoft exec who served as National Director for AI for Health and Life Sciences, Director of Worldwide Health, and Director of Organizational Performance for the company’s first health incubator. Prior to Microsoft, Tom was a Senior Director at GE Healthcare, the founder of two venture-backed healthcare software companies, a health system executive, and board member.

Tom’s work and views have been featured in Forbes, CEO Magazine, Harvard Business Review, CNET, Inside Precision Medicine, and numerous webcasts and podcasts.

In a Harris Poll of 2023 JP Morgan Healthcare Conference attendees, Tom was named one of the most recognized leaders driving change and engagement in healthcare today. He has also been named one of the Top 20 AI Voices to Watch.

Innovation Insights

Emily Stuis, Cal Austin

Conference Keynote Speakers

We all probably use the word insight a lot. A lot! But what is an insight and why is it important? An insight is not merely an interesting fact, a data point, or a comment made by a customer. Those things might lead to insights, but are not stand alone insights. Insights go beyond the obvious – they are a profound understanding of the ’why’ behind customers’ behaviors, attitudes or beliefs. Often tied to emotion, they lead to a new point of view or fresh perspective that leads to a revelation. And most importantly, that revelation in the voice of the customer, leads to an opportunity for which we can begin to generate solutions. This is where we start.

About Emily

My career has involved roles leading early-stage innovation, innovation coaching, event design and coordination, and operations. I have used a variety of innovation methodologies such as Human-Centered Design, creative problem solving, and others to guide teams through their most complex challenges. I especially enjoy and specialize in tying business challenges with unmet user needs to ensure teams are focused on the right problem to start and coming up with solutions that delight customers. I don’t think it’s possible to have too much fun at work.

About Cal

My experience has included many roles in operations, training, marketing and innovation coaching. The common thread throughout my career has been a focus on creative problem solving and group facilitation. I have used Design Thinking, Agile, Open Space Technology, Gallup StrengthsFinder, and other tools to help teams find solutions to their most challenging business pursuits. I have lots of experience leading complex cross functional projects and building happy teams. And I think it’s possible to have fun at work.

Six Powerful Learning Tracks

We have carefully architected the Disruption Expo to address the most pressing issues that Medical Device, Pharmaceutical, and Life Science executives face in 2024 and beyond.

These powerful tracks go far beyond inventing the obvious. Our program provides novel insights that exceed the healthcare industry echo chamber to give you specific strategies that will deliver meaningful and measurable results for your organization. Our learning tracks include:

Chaotic Innovation.

Innovation itself is being reinvented. We have transitioned from a period of incremental innovation, through a state of disruptive innovation, to our current state of chaotic innovation.

Chaotic innovation, like disruptive innovation, involves rapid, significant change in how we leverage emerging technologies and new best practices to reduce costs while providing up to a 60% better return on strategic priorities. This track shows you how to create an enterprise innovation initiative that can generate millions of dollars in enterprise value.


  • Understanding Chaotic Innovation and its impact
  • Implementing emerging technologies for cost reduction
  • Leveraging new best practices to improve strategic results
  • Creating an Enterprise Innovation (EI) Initiative
  • Generating significant enterprise value through innovation

Emerging Technologies.

This powerful track brings in the latest research on how Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotic Process Automation (RPA), and business intelligence are being leveraged to reduce costs. 

Costs being reduced by 30% while improving strategic results by over 50%. This track will also discuss the four big chaotic disruptors that will impact the Medical Device, Pharmaceutical, and Life Science Industry: 1.) Experiential Value, 2.) Anticipatory Value, 3.) Clinical Value, and 4.) Enterprise Value.


  • Leveraging AI for cost reduction
  • Implementing Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
  • Enhancing Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Understanding the four big chaotic disruptors
  • Improving strategic results through technology

The Experience Economy.

Our current economy can best be described as the “experience economy.”

Our B2B customers and patients demand far better experiences across the five touch points of their consumer journey. By architecting formal Customer Experience (CX) strategies, including thoughtful customer journey mapping, we significantly increase revenues, enterprise value, customer retention, and customer promotion. This track is based on multiple number one bestselling books and is delivered by one of the top 30 Global Gurus on Customer Experience.


  • • Understanding the “Experience Economy”
  • Categorizing customers by hate/love personas
  • Creating formal customer experience strategies
  • Implementing thoughtful customer journey mapping
  • Increasing revenues and customer retention

Workforce and Staffing.

The best organizations now leverage Human Experience Innovation (HXI) to concurrently improve the experiential value for both the customer and the employee.

Based on the bestselling book “Happy Work,” this module provides a powerful game plan on building a culture of happiness. This is a critical learning vertical, offering a practical playbook on how to build your own Human Experience Innovation (HXI) strategy, ultimately leading to a culture of happiness. Organizations that commit to this body of work attract, retain, and inspire their mission-critical employees.


  • Leveraging Human Experience Innovation (HXI)
  • Improving experiential value for customers and employees
  • Building a culture of happiness
  • Creating a Human Experience Innovation (HXI) strategy
  • Attracting and retaining mission-critical employees
lucid leadership

Lucid Leadership®

In this powerful program, you will develop the skills of the Lucid Leader.

This track is based on the research from the bestselling book and training program Lucid Leadership®. This track provides insights to manage complex organizations, in a complex marketplace. Clarity is the superpower of the best leaders in healthcare. This track also provides insights on how to gain clarity in the three dimensions of lucidity: 1.) The Marketplace, 2.) Your Culture, and your own sense of 3.) Self-awareness. If you’re managing an organization, this is the right track for you.


  • Developing Lucid Leadership® skills
  • Managing complex organizations
  • Gaining clarity in the marketplace
  • Understanding internal culture
  • Enhancing self-awareness for better leadership

Future Readiness.

The overwhelming majority of organizations leverage departmental and enterprise strategies that are more than three years old.

Moreover, these strategies do not include contemporary planning instruments, business intelligence feedback loops, or future casting teams. In this powerful track, you will learn how to build future-ready strategies to ensure organizational success while providing far better insights for your innovation pipeline.



  • Building future-ready strategies
  • Updating outdated organizational strategies
  • Implementing contemporary planning instruments
  • Creating business intelligence feedback loops
  • Developing future casting teams for innovation

Stay tuned for other speaker announcements.

As we continue to evolve, our curriculum will feature insights from a diverse range of speakers to ensure we provide the best possible program for our valued audience. Additionally, we will include short presentations from our supporters, offering them the opportunity to share information about their technologies and services. We post a quarterly request for proposals for those interested in being considered as speakers. If you wish to submit an inquiry, please use our contact form.