Healthcare is experiencing unprecedented transformation, with studies showing that digital health technologies are expected to be a $379 billion market by 2024.

90% of healthcare executives believe that disruptive innovation is critical for their organization’s success. The Disruption Expo addresses these challenges by offering four major differentiated value propositions for our attendees and partners.

About the Disruption Expo.

Today, there are literally tens of thousands of medical and healthcare-related conferences, events and meetings.

The overwhelming majority of these events provide content that stays within the comfort zone of healthcare organizations or corporate sponsors. For attendees, this means that the big ideas that will truly impact their organizations are often too bold to be included in the event curriculum. In a time of rapid and chaotic change, healthcare executives and leaders do not have the luxury of living within the echo chamber of the healthcare industry. That’s why we conceived the Disruption Expo.

Why the top leaders

of healthcare are attending The Disruption Expo.

High Density Actionable Content

Leveraging the instructional design concept of nano learning, we strip away any content that does not provide proven actionable value to our attendees. This approach ensures the highest amount of both actionable content and retention. Our attendees leave with a playbook they can apply immediately upon returning to their enterprises.

Curriculum Leveraging TrendGPS™

We evaluate over 500 trends, micro trends, and nano trends to aggregate the most important insights that executives and leaders need to know in healthcare today. We then identify the top thought leaders across these various trend verticals to ensure that you get the most relevant content delivered by the best experts.

Professional Development and Certification Training

Most events and meetings provide nothing more than a sampling of ideas that are difficult to implement in your enterprise. In a time of rapid change and complexity, executives and leaders need a proven game plan and new core competencies in the areas of innovation, technology, and leadership. When you register for the Disruption Expo, you gain access to ongoing certification training through our partnership with LearnLogic®. Our initial training programs include the Innovation Superstar, Innovation Management Training, and the Lucid Leadership Certification Training Program on how to manage in a time of chaotic change and complexity. Deepen your expertise while achieving certification training through the Disruption Expo.

Leverage Our Community of Thought Leaders and Innovators

The Disruption Expo is more than just an event; it’s a community of innovators, technologists, and healthcare rockstars. Throughout the year, the Disruption Expo community will be providing disruption events across the country and customized events that operate within other healthcare conferences. If you are looking to avoid being blindsided by the rapid and chaotic change occurring today, the Disruption Expo is your event and community.

Our Event Curriculum Architecture

We have architected The Disruption Expo based on eight key areas

These will significantly impact healthcare in the next five years. Our event aggregates deep research and provides actionable insights for organizational leaders to get ahead of these major changes. Our curriculum focuses on the following top trends, which have the highest level of enterprise impact.

Key Areas of Rapid and Chaotic Change in Healthcare.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is transforming healthcare by enhancing precision, efficiency, and personalized care. The market for digital health technologies is projected to reach $379 billion by 2024, highlighting the critical role of AI in streamlining processes, from administration to patient care. By leveraging AI, healthcare providers can optimize diagnostic accuracy, predict patient outcomes, and manage resources more effectively (Sources: Deloitte, McKinsey).

Business Intelligence (BI)

Business intelligence tools are becoming essential for healthcare organizations to make data-driven decisions. They enable real-time analysis and reporting, which can improve patient outcomes, operational efficiency, and financial performance. The ability to harness big data analytics helps healthcare leaders stay competitive and respond swiftly to market changes (Sources: Gartner, Forbes).

Staffing Shortages

The healthcare sector faces significant staffing shortages, with a projected shortfall of up to 124,000 physicians by 2034 and many nurses considering leaving their jobs due to burnout. Addressing these shortages requires innovative workforce management strategies, improved working conditions, and leveraging technologies like telehealth to extend care capabilities (Sources: American Medical Association, Becker’s Hospital Review).

Regulatory and Compliance

The pace of regulatory change in healthcare is accelerating, driven by the need for greater flexibility and improved patient access to health records. Compliance with evolving regulations, such as value-based care models and transparent pricing, is crucial for healthcare organizations to maintain operational integrity and avoid penalties (Sources: Healthcare Financial Management Association, Health Affairs).

Cost Management and Efficiencies

Rising healthcare costs, exacerbated by staffing shortages and inflation, demand innovative cost management strategies. Technologies like AI and robotic process automation (RPA) can reduce administrative burdens, streamline workflows, and enhance operational efficiencies, ultimately lowering costs while maintaining care quality (Sources: PwC, Deloitte).

Patient Consumerism

Patients today are more empowered and expect seamless, transparent, and value-driven healthcare experiences. This shift towards patient consumerism necessitates new care delivery models, including the development of formal Consumer Experience (CX) strategies that go far beyond the outdated so-called Patient Experience (PX) strategies. Healthcare must adapt to these trends to meet patient expectations and improve satisfaction.

Decentralization and Home Healthcare

The decentralization of healthcare, driven by advances in telemedicine and home healthcare, is transforming care delivery. These models provide patients with convenient, accessible care, reducing the need for hospital visits and improving overall health outcomes. The trend towards home-based care is expected to grow, necessitating investments in remote monitoring and telehealth technologies (Sources: McKinsey, Deloitte).

New Strategic Mandates and Core Competencies

Healthcare organizations must develop future-ready strategies to thrive amid rapid change. This involves building new competencies in innovation, technology, and leadership. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptability, healthcare leaders can better navigate market trends, respond to competitive pressures, and capitalize on emerging opportunities (Sources: Harvard Business Review, PwC).

About our history.

The Disruption Expo was founded by Nicholas Webb, a renowned healthcare futurist and medical device technologist.

Nick’s career as a healthcare innovator is marked by over 40 patents for groundbreaking medical devices, including one of the smallest medical implants and some of the earliest wearable technologies. Through his research as a bestselling author, Nick identified a significant gap in the focus of most healthcare events, which often prioritize commercial interests over providing real, attendee-centric value.

Nicholas Webb.

The Disruption Expo is designed to sell out each year, accepting registrations exclusively from verified healthcare executives and leaders. Our commitment to delivering dynamic and layered value ensures continuous growth and, most importantly, significant impact on healthcare leadership.

In his roles as an Adjunct Professor and Chief Innovation Officer (CIO) at a leading medical school, Nick observed that many events lacked thoughtful instructional design aimed at delivering novel and actionable content. His vision for The Disruption Expo was clear: to create the premier future trends healthcare event that offers unparalleled attendee value through actionable insights and innovative content.

Join us.

Become part of the change. Be prepared, be innovative, and lead the future of healthcare.